Petaluma resident named 2024 Bike Advocate of the Year
At the annual Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition Golden Spoke Gala, held on June 8 at Rohnert Park’s SomoVillage, several awards were presented to groups and individuals whose advocacy of cycling and safety has made a significant impact.
Deb Fox, the co-founder and director of collaborations and operations for Cool Petaluma, was named the 2024 Bike Advocate of the Year.

Cool Petaluma Stories
Check out our “Stories” section for more inspiring local content, including our monthly Argus Courier Climate Column and guest features.

SO CO Pod Ep 44. Natasha Juliana Of Cool Petaluma On Organizing Neighborhoods For Disaster Response and Climate Action
Get inspired! Listen to Cool Petaluma’s Campaign Director Natasha Juliana tell the story of how we can lead with love as we reimagine our relationship to the planet and each other.

Deb Fox named Petaluma’s new climate action manager
The city of Petaluma announced this week that it has appointed Deb Fox, co-founder of a leading local climate action effort and a recognized bike advocate, to be its “climate action manager.”
A Petaluma resident, Fox helped establish Cool Petaluma – originally a local program of the global nonprofit Cool Cities – and served as its director of collaboration and operations after it became an independently run nonprofit. The program has championed community-focused climate change efforts in Petaluma since its start here in 2021.

Bohemian- Climactic Climate
As temperatures rise, hope floats
Last year was the planet’s warmest 12-month span in at least two millennia, beating out the prior record year of 2016 by a wide margin. And 2024 is turning into another broiler.

Record number of Sonoma County students bike to school
Students from a record number of Sonoma County schools jumped onto their bikes Wednesday morning for Bike to School Day.

How Cool is That? Neighbors Unite for Climate Change Action with Cool Petaluma
Cool Petaluma is a grassroots nonprofit that inspires local climate action through community building. By bringing people together, we create the connections and team spirit needed to address the complex environmental issues that face us today and help protect the future for the next generation. Plus, it’s a lot more fun that way!

Argus Courier - Cool Petaluma continues its work
On a sunny and crisp spring morning, Petaluma resident Natasha Juliana gazes out her window at the tall redwood trees and the green hills beyond, taking another moment to appreciate the wonderful nature her town has to offer…

SRJC Presentation: From Environmental Awareness to Action - A Petaluma Story
Like many others, Petaluma residents Natasha Juliana and Pete Gang have long been aware of our society's impacts on ecosystem health, on biodiversity, on the Earth’s climate system, and on the prospects for a livable future. After years of educating themselves and educating others, they each followed the call to move from environmental awareness to action.

New Dimensions Radio
There is a movement happening that has been proven effective in helping individuals do their part in alleviating the effects of climate change. This movement relies on building social capital that includes concrete, inclusive, and non-political actions taken at a grassroots level to mitigate the effects of climate change. We don’t need to feel like we have to act alone, all this can be done in neighborhoods, block by block.

KPCA - Community Connections features Cool Petaluma
Our Program Manager Deb Fox joins Cool Petaluma participants Julia Menga, Leslie Curchack and Maia Hirschbein for a conversation with Lou Zweier of Petaluma Community Relations Council on their Community Connections radio show.

Cool Block in Argus-Courier article about “Walk and Roll”
With help from their parents and other adults, kids “Walk and Roll” to Petaluma’s Grant Elementary School in the Mountain View area.

KCBS Radio - Petaluma mobilizes residents to conserve water, local use cut back by 34%
As the state enters a fourth year of drought, state and local water officials continue to call for all Californians to do a better job conserving water. But as KCBS Radio news reporter Jeffrey Schaub says, Petaluma residents don’t appear to need any cajoling: they have the highest water conservation rate in the Bay Area.

ABC7 News - Petaluma leads Bay Area and California for water conservation during historic drought
PETALUMA, Calif. (KGO) -- A North Bay community is leading the way when it comes to conserving water during our ongoing historic drought.
"I'm super proud of Petaluma," said Natasha Juliana.

Argus Courier - Petaluma’s reduction in water use ranks among highest in state
Water conservation efforts in Petaluma appear to be working, according to the latest data from the California State Water Resources Control Board.
Read on to see how Cool Petaluma has partnered with local non-profit Daily Acts and the City of Petaluma to help this effort.

Bay Area Bountiful: Living with Climate Change
Bay Area Bountiful explores living with climate change in this first of a three-part series. Their Norcal Public Media crew visited our Cool Block Leader Coffee meeting and interviewed a few of our amazing leaders!

SF Chronicle - In Petaluma neighborhoods, the ‘extravagant life’ is over as climate activism grows
San Francisco Chronicle staff writer Julie Johnson followed Petaluma’s Cool Block program as it got started and reported it here.

Climate Column: Honoring Earth Day
The Argus Courier has asked our Campaign Director, Natasha Juliana, to write a monthly climate column for the newspaper. Here is the April installment:

Climate column: Becoming resilient in Petaluma
When approaching a mammoth-sized challenge, where should we start? How can we identify which lever to pull when there are so many to choose from? It’s easy to be paralyzed into inaction when the issue is as fraught with complexity and controversy as climate change.