Argus-Courier: Petaluma Cool Cities campaign kicks off
D'Lynda Fischer D'Lynda Fischer

Argus-Courier: Petaluma Cool Cities campaign kicks off

City Council member D'Lynda Fischer was a key advocate for Petaluma’s Cool Cities Challenge efforts, helping the city secure a $1 million grant that will help finance a critical climate change education campaign. (CRISSY PASCUAL/ARGUS-COURIER STAFF)

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Meta Center for NonViolence Radio: How one California city is healing the climate from the ground up
D'Lynda Fischer D'Lynda Fischer

Meta Center for NonViolence Radio: How one California city is healing the climate from the ground up

Natasha Juliana of the grassroots initiative Cool Petaluma explains how her team is taking a creative approach to the challenge of climate disruption.

This week, Stephanie and Michael are joined by community leader, Natasha Juliana, who is currently hard at work on “Cool Petaluma,” a project that aims to heal the climate from the ground up.

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Press Release - Cool Petaluma hosting event on January 12, 2022 to launch their campaign to reach carbon neutrality by 2030
D'Lynda Fischer D'Lynda Fischer

Press Release - Cool Petaluma hosting event on January 12, 2022 to launch their campaign to reach carbon neutrality by 2030

Petaluma, CA – On January 12, 2022 at 6:00pm Pacific Time, Petaluma’s Cool City Challenge moonshot team will host a Zoom event to launch their campaign to help Petaluma reach carbon neutrality by 2030 without offsets. All those interested in joining this adventure to transform Petaluma into a beacon of climate hope are invited.

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Bohemian: Cool Cities Getting Cooler: Petaluma Takes the Lead in Climate Change, the Cool Way.
Eric Leland Eric Leland

Bohemian: Cool Cities Getting Cooler: Petaluma Takes the Lead in Climate Change, the Cool Way.

Sitting at a small cafe on Larkin Street in San Francisco this past weekend, drinking an exceptional cappuccino, (ah, the joys of being a journalist), I had the immense pleasure of an hour-long call with Natasha Juliana, co-leader of Cool Petaluma, a grassroots committee in Petaluma championing the need for action around climate change on a local, national, and global level.

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Press Release: Three California cities win $1 million each to embark on a climate change moonshot — becoming carbon neutral by 2030
Eric Leland Eric Leland

Press Release: Three California cities win $1 million each to embark on a climate change moonshot — becoming carbon neutral by 2030

Mountain View, CA, October 25, 2021 (PDF | Cool Cities Website) - The Cool City Challenge awarded multi-sectoral teams in three cities — Los Angeles, Irvine and Petaluma — $1 million plus consulting support to execute their plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 without carbon offsets. The awards are the result of a rigorous, months-long application process involving over 40 California cities.

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