
Climate solutions by the community, for the community.

Climate change and social division are threatening to drastically and irrevocably damage life on Earth.

Cool Petaluma brings people together so that we can take care of each other while we take care of the planet.

By gathering people, we create a collaborative team spirit that makes it enjoyable to learn from each other and take action together.

This collective effort becomes more powerful than the sum of its individual parts.

And it’s more fun!

“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.“

~ Washington State Governor Jay Inslee

Let’s work together to protect what we love…

The magic of Cool Petaluma described in 60 seconds!

Inspiring videos to describe what we are doing:

Petalumans, excited to take a lead, share why their neighborhoods are so cool!

This 6-minute video produced by Norcal Public Media interviews Cool Petaluma participants and describes how they are succeeding in their neighborhoods.