Bohemian: Cool Cities Getting Cooler: Petaluma Takes the Lead in Climate Change, the Cool Way.

By Jane Vick


NOVEMBER 3, 2021

Sitting at a small cafe on Larkin Street in San Francisco this past weekend, drinking an exceptional cappuccino, (ah, the joys of being a journalist), I had the immense pleasure of an hour-long call with Natasha Juliana, co-leader of Cool Petaluma, a grassroots committee in Petaluma championing the need for action around climate change on a local, national, and global level.


Press Release - Cool Petaluma hosting event on January 12, 2022 to launch their campaign to reach carbon neutrality by 2030


KPIX CBS SF Bay Area: Petaluma Receives $1M 'Cool Cities' Grant To Help Achieve Carbon Neutrality