Petaluma resident named 2024 Bike Advocate of the Year

Deb Fox, the co-founder and director of collaborations and operations for Cool Petaluma, was named the 2024 honor at gala event.

At the annual Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition Golden Spoke Gala, held on June 8 at Rohnert Park’s SomoVillage, several awards were presented to groups and individuals whose advocacy of cycling and safety has made a significant impact.

Deb Fox, the co-founder and director of collaborations and operations for Cool Petaluma, was named the 2024 Bike Advocate of the Year.

“Her grassroots efforts have taken off this year,” reported a media release distributed after the awards, “as she has worked to make it safer for kids to bike to school and built enthusiasm for the city’s First Friday at Five community rides.”

The City of Petaluma was also awarded a prize, earning the honor for 2024 Bike Project of the Year, for Complete Streets program on North McDowell Boulevard, rethinking and recreating the thoroughfare between Old Redwood Highway and Sunrise Parkway.

Petaluma City Council members Janice Cader Thompson and Dennis Pocekay we present to accept the award.

“With narrower vehicle lanes, upgraded class IV bike lanes, new sidewalks, curb cuts, crosswalks and a pedestrian refuge island, the experience of riding or walking on North McDowell has vastly improved,” said the press release.

Here is the complete list of awards.

Bike Champion of the Year, an individual who inspires and supports others in the community: Dr. Loie Sauer.

Bike Advocate of the Year, a community group or individual working innovatively to get more people on bikes: Deb Fox of Cool Petaluma.

Bike Friendly Businesses of the Year, which has have taken big steps toward making it easy for their employees to bike safely: County of Sonoma Clean Commute Program.

Bike Infrastructure Project of the Year, such as bike lane, bike bridge, bike boulevard, bike box, bike parking, bike trail, etc. that improves safety & encourages more riders: Petaluma’s North McDowell Boulevard Improvement Project.

For more information on the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition, visit


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