Bike More
Bike More
Get a bike, ebike, or scooter
Are you in the market for micromobility – a small and lightweight human- or electric-powered vehicle such as a bike, ebike, or scooter for short-distance trips? These can be great solutions in many ways, including reducing street congestion and providing connection to city transit.
An ebike may be more expensive than a standard bike, but it allows you to travel farther with less effort, perhaps making it an ideal option for commuting. If you can’t decide between a regular bike or an ebike, see if you can try out a friend’s or rent one first. Smith & Bergan Bicycles is a local shop that now rents ebikes. With a Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition membership you can borrow bike trailers and bicycles for free for a week at a time.
If ebike affordability is a concern for you, be sure to look into ways to finance one. You might take out a loan from a bank, online lender, or credit union. Or investigate incentives. For example, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is implementing an ebike purchase incentive project, available for those who are financially eligible.
Other ways to enhance affordability? Sharing ebikes may become more common in the future or you can learn how to create your own bike share program.
Google: Bicycles for sale in Petaluma
Google: Scooters for sale in Petaluma
California Bicycle Coalition: CalBike’s $10M E-Bike Affordability Campaign
California Bicycle Coalition: E-Bike Purchase Incentives FAQs
Map out and bike to your destinations
With a relatively temperate climate and flat topography, Petaluma is a town with great biking potential. If you’re new to biking, you might want to walk potential routes first to learn the safest way to go. Start with local trips to run errands or meet friends, and then add more miles later just for fun.
City of Petaluma: Sidewalks, Bike Routes & Trails
City of Petaluma: Petaluma Green Lane: Walking and Bicycling Around Town
City of Petaluma: Proposed and Existing Bicycle Facilities
TrailLink: Petaluma Trails
Get personalized help: For many who wish to bicycle to frequent destinations like schools, shopping, work, or play, finding the best route can be a barrier. A person from Safe Streets Petaluma Wayfinder will work with Cool Petaluma Teams to help them identify and follow those routes.
Personal help for your team - Safe Streets Petaluma Wayfinder
Install a bike rack
If you’re new to the cycling community, you may have a few things to consider. If space is at a premium, you’ll likely want a bike rack for your garage (or apartment). Bicycle salespeople may be able to help with this or you can learn online from YouTube videos. Or check out the resources below.
The Donut Hole: How Do You Store Multiple Bikes in an Apartment?
Wirecutter: The Best Bike Storage Ideas
Request a bike rack in public spaces: City of Petaluma
Or build your own bike rack: Do you live in a household with multiple bicycles that keep piling up? There’s an easy, cost-effective solution. Check out this article and YouTube video for instructions on building a pallet bike rack that can hold 5 or 6 bikes.
Instructables: How to Make a Pallet Bike Rack
Help make safe streets
We need to do more to make all our streets safe for cyclists. Safe Streets Petaluma has resources and programs to help the community work with the City to calm traffic and improve safety in their neighborhoods.
The City of Petaluma has created the Safe Streets Nomination Program, a unique chance for all Petalumans to play a part in reshaping our streets.
And be sure you respect other people’s neighborhoods when you pass through them by car. Slow down and make room for bikes and pedestrians.
Safe Streets Nomination Program
Report an Issue to the City or download 'engagEPetaluma' for iPhone or iPad or Android based devices
Join a community bike ride
You can take advantage of more than one regular community bike ride, hosted by a variety of organizations – including Bike Petaluma, Petaluma Wheelmen, 350 Petaluma, and Safe Streets Petaluma. This includes the First Friday at Five Community Bike Ride, starting at 5 pm at Walnut Park and Second Saturday Community Bike Ride, starting at 9:30 am at Aqus Café. And come winter, be on the lookout for the Petaluma Holiday Lighted Bike Ride! Double check the Aqus calendar for updates on bicycling events.
Bike Petaluma: Events