Walk More

Walk More


No mystery here: Operating under your own steam – whether walking or biking – is the most efficient way to travel. But did you know that Americans are bringing up the rear with our peers when it comes to the number of walking trips we take? You can spend an hour walking around town doing errands instead of an hour at the gym walking on a treadmill!

Walk to local destinations

Did you map your most frequent destinations in the Get Curious section? Then you now know which ones are within walking distance.

Need to carry stuff? Get yourself a rolling cart and head to the store, just like they do in Europe! And don't forget the magic of a good backpack.

City of Petaluma: Sidewalks, Bike Routes & Trails

City of Petaluma: Petaluma Green Lane: Walking and Bicycling Around Town

Repair your sidewalk (building owner)

As more and more neighbors are out and about walking, it’s essential that your sidewalk be safe. Is yours broken or buckling from tree roots? If you’re like most property owners, you may not realize that repairing the sidewalk in front of your house is your responsibility, not the city’s. In fact, you may be liable for any personal injuries that occur due to poor maintenance. 

First, report any hazards to the Public Works & Utilities Department. Then find a licensed contractor to do the repairs. If you want to complete the repairs yourself, the City Engineer and City Inspector must approve this before you begin.

City of Petaluma: Sidewalk Safety Program

Start a neighborhood Passeggiata

Passeggiata is an Italian word meaning “a leisurely walk or stroll, especially one taken in the evening.” Cool Petaluma is popularizing this idea with weekly strolls at 7 pm each Thursday. Join your neighbors and make it a habit! Check out various walking routes created by Cool Petaluma volunteers.   

Step out at 7 – Petaluma Passeggiata – every Thursday 


Reduce Your Flights


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