Update water and space heating
Bridget Newman Bridget Newman

Update water and space heating

California often takes the lead in new housing trends, and the same is true with water and space heating: You may not have heard, but our state is set to phase out new natural gas furnaces and water heaters by 2027. When it comes to home electrification, installing heat pump technology is where we can get the biggest bang for our climate “buck.” Heat pumps are really taking off – in no small part due to the generous federal tax credits and rebates like those offered through Sonoma Clean Power and BayREN.

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Update kitchen appliances
Bridget Newman Bridget Newman

Update kitchen appliances

Consumer Reports is seeing a trend toward greener choices: In a January 2022 nationally representative CR survey, 90 percent of Americans said individuals are at least somewhat responsible for protecting the planet; 72 percent said they sometimes, often, or always avoid purchasing products that are environmentally harmful; and one out of two Americans said they consider the environmental impact when buying products for their homes.

It may take a little time to adjust to changes and make the transition, but chances are good you’ll love the outcome – cleaner, quicker, and healthier cooking!

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