Be Cool, Petaluma.
Bring Your Own and Reduce Waste
Why a BYO campaign?
We humans sure are predictable creatures of habit. Look no further than your favorite café, and you’ll see that our go-to for to-go beverages is almost always disposable!
Did you know:
The lining of most paper cups is actually plastic, making them just as toxic as plastic cups. That’s why disposable coffee cups are not recyclable or compostable, even when labeled as such!
Most coffee cups end up in landfill, many as litter. But once in the environment, they break up into microplastics, which harm wildlife and marine ecosystems.
Billions of takeaway coffee cups are used around the world each year – making them one of the most common single-use plastic items in the world.
We can do better, Petaluma…. It’s time to up our cup game!
That’s why Cool Petaluma is launching a campaign to encourage residents to bring their own cups and for businesses to accept them. This kind of reuse saves businesses money and requires no extra energy or resources to create – just a little forethought on your part like keeping a cup in your car or bag.
What can we do?
The Petaluma Reusable Cup Project (AKA purple cup) was a three-month pilot that helped keep more than 200,000 of those disposable cups out of landfill – and reminded many folks about the value of reuse. Progress, but still plastic.
Even though the pilot is over, we can keep the good momentum going.
Here is what you can do:
1. Ask for a “for here” cup when you are dining in. Most coffee shops default to “to go” even if you are staying put.
2. Bring your own travel mug, mason jar, ceramic cup, etc. Just make sure it is clean before you pass it to the barista.
3. Take the pledge and join your fellow Petalumans by promising to reduce waste. And help us spread the word by sharing this page with others!
Which businesses are participating?
We’re already making progress. Check back for a map here to find businesses who are early adopters of our BYO program. And look for our logo in business windows.
If you are a business that would like to participate, please see details here.
How can I BYO my cup or thermos?
Your local café may fulfill your order in one of two ways.
Hand a staff member your cup or thermos. They will fill it with your beverage and hand it back to you.
Place your cup or thermos on a tray. The staff member fills it without touching it. You remove the drink from the tray.
What should I do if my barista wants to first put my drink in a disposable cup and have me transfer it to my cup?
Well, that sort of defeats the whole purpose, doesn’t it? Remain calm and gently explain why you are bringing your own cup. Or ask to speak to the manager. When enough of us make this switch, it will create a culture shift!
Is BYO safe and legal?
YES! BYO containers are legal in California. According to Section 114121 of the California Retail Food Code, clean consumer-owned containers may be filled by either an employee or the customer.
Participating Businesses
These local businesses have all pledged to help support this Bring Your Own campaign, so please grab your travel mug or reusable container and head on over to their storefronts!