Protect Our Watershed
Everyone lives in a watershed. Protecting its condition is important to everyone and everything that uses and needs water. Healthy watersheds not only filter and provide clean drinking water. They enhance nutrient cycling, carbon storage, fisheries, and outdoor recreation. As a river town, Petaluma is fortunate to have a wetland. But wetlands today are disappearing at a rate three times faster than forested areas. In the face of today’s extreme weather, restoring and conserving our remaining wetlands in Sonoma County is critical.
Be careful with plastic
When it comes to plastic, less is more. Among the many dangers of plastic are the harmful impacts on watershed, farms, food, and many species. Thousands of chemicals used in plastic packaging are known to be toxic, but there are many, many more about whose safety we know nothing.
Protect and restore fisheries
Protecting fish habitats and restoring fisheries benefits people as well as the plants and animals that live in waterways and oceans. Creating marine protected areas is critical, but you can also take small steps to help.