Reduce your auto mileage
Bridget Newman Bridget Newman

Reduce your auto mileage

Simple math: Cut the distance in half, cut the pollution in half.

In Sonoma County, transportation – mainly the passenger car – is responsible for 67 percent of our local greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which magnifies air pollution with harmful health effects. (Tire wear from all kinds of cars causes pollution – tires are one of the most common causes of microplastic pollutants). To help lessen these sources of pollution and promote other networks of transportation, California passed a bill in 2020 that evaluates the impact of transportation using vehicle miles traveled (VMT)

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Vacation Nearby
Bridget Newman Bridget Newman

Vacation Nearby

If “wanderlust” is your middle name, you might be drawn to scores of exotic or exciting worldwide destinations. Even if you grant yourself the occasional dream vacation, consider this: We live in an area that’s a dream vacation for other travelers! Learn to see our city and county through tourists’ eyes. Besides cutting your greenhouse gas emissions, you may discover some local and regional gems you didn’t know about. Planning a home staycation is even easier on the planet and may get your creative juices going! 

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Reduce Your Flights
Bridget Newman Bridget Newman

Reduce Your Flights

According to the EPA, commercial airplanes and large business jets contribute about 10 percent of our country’s transportation emissions. If you want to get the biggest bang for your “emissions buck,” cutting air travel would be a good place to start. You may not be able to completely eliminate it – especially if it’s required for work or seeing your family on the other side of the country. But you can take steps to reduce the number of flights you take.

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