Reduce Food Waste
You may have heard that we Americans waste up to 40 percent of our food. We’re squandering not only food, but also money, labor, water, energy, and other resources – all while at least 1 in 10 have too little to eat and are food insecure. What a waste! To make matters worse, much of this food ends up in landfills, where it turns into a potent greenhouse gas, called methane – adding significantly to the climate crisis.
Eat healthier food for you and the planet
Taking action on climate often brings other benefits. That certainly holds true when it comes to the choices we make about food. When you choose foods with a plant slant, favor farmers using regenerative practices, or grow your own food, you’re not only supporting your own health, but the health of the food system, environment, and climate as well.
Avoid food packaging
We are drowning in plastic and other food packaging! Two-thirds of packaging material is used to package food and much of this is plastic, which often contains harmful chemicals. If you take a moment to check out your trash and recycling bins, we’re pretty sure you’ll find a lot of food packaging (that’s why you keep your trash and recycling cans in the kitchen!)