Brace for earthquakes
Brace for earthquakes
Practice an earthquake drill - DROP, COVER, HOLD ON!
When the earth shakes: DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON! The farther you move while the ground is shaking, the more likely you are to be hurt.
Secure your space
Imagine your entire home or workplace being picked up and shaken during an earthquake – even heavy objects can fall or be thrown around! This usually causes the most injuries during earthquakes, and replacing items or repairing damages can also be very costly.
Fill out the worksheet on page 6 of “Secure Your Space” from Earthquake Country Alliance.
Earthquake Country Alliance: Secure Your Space [PDF]
Strengthen your property (for building owners)
Most houses, apartment buildings, or commercial buildings are not as safe as they could be, especially if they are more than 30 years old. See this list for things you can do to improve the structural integrity of your home or other building.